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Spark of Life

Recharge Your Entire Being​

Have you been feeling depleted, stuck, or struggling with health challenges? The Spark of Life healing session is designed to restore your vitality, filling you with life force energy directly from the source. Originating over 3000 years ago in the temples of Ancient Egypt, this sacred modality was created for High Priests and Priestesses to recharge their energy and sustain their service work. Today, you can experience this powerful healing remotely from anywhere in the world.


In this session, your core is infused with the highest light and life force, helping you gather and center your energy. This immersion in pure divine energy restores your baseline, promoting greater peace, grounding, and mental clarity. Clients frequently report improvements in sleep, physical well-being, and a sense of overall rejuvenation.

Benefits of the Spark of Life
  • Full recharge of your mind, body, and spirit: Restore your energy on all levels, creating a profound sense of revitalization.

  • Remote healing from anywhere: This session is conducted entirely remotely, making it accessible no matter where you are in the world.

  • Support for health challenges: Experience breakthroughs in physical health and mental well-being, with clients often reporting immediate improvements.

  • Deep relaxation and peace: Feel a renewed sense of calm and grounding as your energies are realigned with the highest light.

  • Enhanced focus and vitality: Gather and center your energies to create a new, energized baseline for your daily activities.

  • Ancient Egyptian magick: Connect with the ancient wisdom and sacred practices of the High Priests and Priestesses, allowing divine energy to flow directly to your inner spark.


Please note that this healing can only be done via distance, as it uses magickal keys to bypass the Etheric matrix and chakra system, working directly with the first ray of creation.

Book Your Session Today


​Time in Session:

60 Minutes


Cost: $180

Information required prior to session: Full name, address of current location & time zone, cell phone # & email​


How to prepare: To fully receive the healing, you will need to lie down, preferably in the evening or a time when you can rest afterward. Make sure you can relax for an hour after the session to allow the energy to fully integrate. This session is a powerful recharge—perfect for those feeling drained or running on empty.

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